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 To utilize the written and spoken Word of God to promote a personal, intimate
relationship of individuals with Jesus Christ.

To do life together as a spiritual family as we learn what it means to love God,
other people and ourselves. Our strengths, weaknesses, gifts and testimonies
blend together for personal growth and maturing of the body. We are open to working with other

local churches/organizations in (an) effort to enrich our community and promote the expansion of the Kingdom on earth.  We try to not allow doctrinal differences to divide us from other Believers.

To help each person understand and fulfill their purpose in the Kingdom on earth.
That the ministry “TO the church” is to prepare them for the ministry” OF the
church”. We believe but that everyone (not just clergy), is called into
ministry/service in their daily lives. Together with the Holy Spirit, we are
ambassadors of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It’s not our goal to get all the
community to the Christian Gathering, but to get its members prepared to go
beyond walls in order to bless the community with his love and light.



We believe that the gospel (good news) is a declaration (of) what Jesus did for the world
through his death, burial and resurrection. We demonstrate that belief in water and spirit
baptism as we walk out our new life. Through the work of the cross, a new Covenant
was established – setting the stage for “who-so-ever-will” to come dine at the King’s
table. Christ awakened the world with his resurrection and now draws all men to himself
by the Holy Spirit. As individuals make him their personal Lord, his Kingship on earth
expands. At the end of time, his complete body - in heaven and on earth- will be
reunited once for all ages.

We believe that the church (ekklesia) is not a place where we go, but who we are
collectively as his body. He gathers his family together in a local assembly for
fellowship, worship and discipling. Each Individual is a valuable, essential part of his
church. The operation of the nine gifts of the Spirit are to edify the individual and church

body. The leadership gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher are for the
equipping of the saints for the work of their personal ministry.

We believe that the leading of the Holy Spirit is an important component of creating an
atmosphere conducive to spiritual maturity and the healing of our bodies and soul (mind
& emotions)..In our gatherings, we prioritize “presence over performance”.



WE ALL PRAISE & PRAY IN OUR OWN WAY BUT YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN IN AS-We sing and give praises to God – “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord… and sing praise” (Psalms. 98:4) Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing & making melody in your heart to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:19) We clap our hands – “O clap your hands all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph” (Psalms. 47:1) We lift our hands – …men should pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands… (I Timothy 2:8) “Let us up lift up our heart with our hands… (Lamentations 3:41) “Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord” (Psalms134:2) We pray in one accord – “…They lifted up their voice to God with one accord…” (Acts 4:24) And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the Lord, he arose from before the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven. (1 Kings 8:54)

Outreach- support of local
and foreign missions

Pecan Creek Retirement Village Services



“My Brother’s House” Sober Living Program

Restored Hope Program for Women


Living Word Food Bank

foreign MISSIONS

James Land & family - Missions for Christ

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Uganda – Champions Orphanage

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